The trial of judas iscariot lubbock
The trial of judas iscariot lubbock

the trial of judas iscariot lubbock the trial of judas iscariot lubbock

Judas Iscariot would rather have money than share with others what he already had. Judas represents the greed and selfishness that most people including so-called believers have today. With that said, let’s look at the 5 major characteristics of Judas Iscariot that made him betray Jesus Christ all because of money. The betrayal of Christ Jesus then leads to Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion by Pilate as well as death by hanging on Golgotha Hill outside Jerusalem (Matthew 26:14-16). He betrayed Jesus Christ to the authorities by handing Him over to them for 30 pieces of silver in exchange for Jesus’ betrayal. Judas Iscariot is a very interesting bible character in the New Testament who was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ who ended up being a traitor and a betrayer due to greed.

the trial of judas iscariot lubbock

In this post, we are going to discuss the 5 major characteristics of Judas Iscariot which made him betray our Lord Jesus Christ for only 30 pieces of silver.

The trial of judas iscariot lubbock